<img src="https://github.com/Ilhasoft/weni-webapp/raw/main/src/assets/LogoWeniAnimada.svg" height="20" />
Enables transparent HTTP batch requests with Angular
react native video cache control
CMake.js - a Node.js/io.js native addon build tool
Multifarm's package containing common components used by different product's of the company.
Javascript SDK for MetaStats forex trading statistics API. Can calculate metrics for MetaTrader accounts added to MetaApi. Supports both MetaTrader 5 (MT5) and MetaTrader 4 (MT4). (https://metaapi.cloud)
Far Side of the Moon command line theme for Boost powered CLIs.
JavaScript and TypeScript bindings for ImageMagick-7 - native and WASM
Nearly native image scaling in web (mobile/desktop), rich in functionality. This will make your mobile users happy
- Stability of Returns: JOJO's funding rate arbitrage products generate stable returns through the automated execution of trading strategies. - Convenience: Users only need to deposit funds into the JOJO platform to enjoy the automated funding rate arbit
Official TalkJS SDK for React Native
Prebuilt TDLib for linux x64
Prebuilt TDLib for win32 x64
React ESI: Blazing-fast Server-Side Rendering for React and Next.js
Enable JSX for Template Literal Tags based projects
js client for mason
Prebuilt TDLib for darwin arm64
Connects with your Lego Boost Movehub vie Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE).
Prebuilt TDLib for darwin x64
A library that delivers a range of glyphs rendered as SDFs (signed distance fields) in a protobuf.
React Beautiful - Boost up your React components
capo.js implementation for Nuxt 3
Prebuilt TDLib for win32 ia32
Blockly extension for JupyterLab to control the Lego Boost
Prebuilt TDLib for android arm64
presupposes you have relay in your browser
FlowSpace is the best coworking spaces, workspaces, meeting rooms, private offices and serviced offices provider in London. Visit https://flowspace.co
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A custom filter plugin for erela.js
Prebuilt TDLib for linux x64
Powerful CLI for Advanced File & Development Operations.Boost your command-line productivity with this robust CLI library built on the Commander framework. Designed for developers and power users, it streamlines essential I/O operations such as recursive
🚆 GPTrans - The smarter AI-powered way to translate.
Fetch strategies data from the blockchain, and parse it into a readable format. Use one of the following classes to fetch data for strategies: EthereumStrategies, OptimismStrategies, ArbitrumStrategies or BaseStrategies. Use one of the following classes t
Prebuilt TDLib for linux arm64
Streaming TFTP client and server
node.js bindings for the Apache Thrift RPC system
Far Side of the Moon command line theme for Boost powered CLIs.
Prebuilt TDLib for linux arm64
Prebuilt TDLib for android arm64