A modular and efficient color management library for JavaScript and TypeScript applications.
A Javascript module to interface with LEGO Powered Up components.
Super Health CBD Gummies are easy to consume delicacies which are varied with organic constituents and herbal factors that aid in precluding the threat of colorful health distemperatures as well as ease their symptoms.
Homebridge plugin for Inspire Home Automation Room Thermostat
mobx-react & mobx-state-tree & mobx v4
Eversol ts sdk
Merkur event emitter plugin.
Coolest form on the internet
Apollo HOC for Next.js
Wrap a shared memory-mapped file in a plain old object.
A Parler client library and research tool
Class to fetch resources, prefers a separate thread
ACSS rules generated live in your browser using a small library.
cronGuru is an autovoter for challenges of gurushots.com. Simply login and it will vote to all the challenges that you joined. It will vote just enough to maintain your ratio at the highest possible level. It will also apply free boost to the picture with
Serialize JavaScript objects to JSON strings.
GPT-Runner CLI helps manage AI presets and enables AI-driven conversations with your code, streamlining development workflows and boosting efficiency.
In the first instance, `amn` is the wrapper I developed for myself to work with [express](https://expressjs.com/). As long as I go further, the functionality of amn grows and evolve. Onwards I equip all my back-end services with `amn` as it helps to simpl
Copyright DWJ 2024. Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. https://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt
A TypeScript library for simulating dice rolls in the Star Wars Role-Playing Game by Fantasy Flight Games.
[![Specs](https://github.com/matestack/matestack-ui-vuejs/workflows/specs/badge.svg)](https://github.com/matestack/matestack-ui-vuejs/actions) [![Discord](https://img.shields.io/discord/771413294136426496.svg)](https://discord.com/invite/c6tQxFG) [![Gem V
Loox integration for Shogun Frontend.
A package to combine with WDIO software; explore a collection of re-usable functions to simplify your testing workflow!
A collection of utility functions for JavaScript and TypeScript projects, designed to boost your productivity and streamline your coding experience. This package is developed and maintained by Code Caffeine.
<p align="center"><a href="https://laravel.com" target="_blank"><img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/laravel/art/master/logo-lockup/5%20SVG/2%20CMYK/1%20Full%20Color/laravel-logolockup-cmyk-red.svg" width="400" alt="Laravel Logo"></a></p>
SDK for SnapEdit web
A style-free and accessible collapse plugin for jQuery and Boost JS
Machine Learning library for the web and Node
Cassandra ORM for NodeJS
A tiny library to map Contentful ☁️ space into Redis ⚡️
Pipedream Wix Components
Boostjs front end framework
Foscam plugin for homebridge.
boost module for react-highcharts with version 5.0.14
Utilities to make your discord bots better and easier to make.
A minimalist companion designed for developers to boost their daily productivity 👨💻🚀
Esta librería provee una serie de métodos para realizar búsquedas de texto, a través de expresiones regulares. REmatch está creada originalmente en C++, y aquí se pone a disposición una interfaz para JavaScript. En esta versión se encuentran implementado
Search for information on howlongtobeat.com
A custom filter plugin for erela.js
Convenience functions for the `@form-observer/core` package, designed for React apps