
High-performance native shared object store for Node.js worker threads


A high-performance shared key-value store implementation designed for multi-threaded environments. This library leverages SharedArrayBuffer to enable efficient data sharing between worker threads.


  • Shared Data Access: Allows multiple worker threads to share and manipulate data using named stores
  • High Performance: Optimized for fast reads and writes using TypedArrays and efficient buffer handling
  • Pattern Operations: Built-in support for wildcards and regex patterns
  • Simplified Communication: Uses BroadcastChannel for seamless thread communication
  • No Dependencies: Core functionality works without external dependencies
  • Optional msgpackr: 2-4x performance boost when using msgpackr


  • Node.js >= 16.0.0
  • msgpackr (optional): Improves serialization/deserialization performance by 2-4x


Install the library using npm:

npm install native-keyshare

If you want to enable performance improvements, also install msgpackr:

npm install msgpackr


Basic Operations

const { createStore } = require('native-keyshare');

// Create a named store
const store = createStore('mystore');

// Basic operations
store.set('user:1', { name: 'John' });
console.log(store.get('user:1'));  // { name: 'John' }

// Named stores are isolated
const cacheStore = createStore('cache');
const userStore = createStore('users');

// Get same store instance
const sameStore = createStore('mystore');

Worker Thread Example

Main Thread (index.js)

const { Worker } = require('worker_threads');
const { createStore } = require('native-keyshare');

const store = createStore('shared');
store.set('sharedKey', { value: 'Hello from main!' });

const worker1 = new Worker('./worker.js');
const worker2 = new Worker('./worker.js');

Worker Thread (worker.js)

const { createStore } = require('native-keyshare');

const store = createStore('shared');
console.log(store.get('sharedKey'));  // { value: 'Hello from main!' }
store.set('workerKey', { data: 'Hello from worker!' });


// Initialize counter - minBufferSize to reuse the same buffer even when increasing length
store.set('counter', 0, { minBufferSize: 20 });
// the following code could be executed from every thread
if (store.lock('counter')) {
  try {
    const x = store.get('counter', true);
    store.set('counter', x + 1, { skipLock: true });
  } finally {


Store Creation

createStore(storeName?: string)

Creates or retrieves a named key-value store instance.

const store = createStore('mystore');    // Named store
const defaultStore = createStore();      // Default store

Store Methods

set(key: string, value: any, options?: Options): boolean

Sets a key-value pair in the store.

  • options.minBufferSize: Initial buffer size in bytes if you expect value to grow
  • options.immutable: Dont allow rewriting the buffer. create a new one on update.
  • options.ttl: TTL in seconds.

get(key: string, skipLock: boolean = false): any

Retrieves a value from the store.

delete(key: string): boolean

Deletes a value. Supports patterns.

listKeys(pattern?: string): string[]

Lists all keys, optionally filtered by pattern.

lock(key: string, timeout = 1000): boolean

Locks a key.

release(key: string): boolean

Releases a locked key.

clear(): void

Clear the store.

close(): void

Close the store. cleanup local maps and buffer references.

Pattern Operations

The store supports two pattern matching styles for delete() and listKeys():

// Glob-style wildcards
store.delete('users:*');     // Matches: users:123, users:abc, etc
store.delete('session:?');   // Matches: session:1, session:a
store.delete('cache:??');    // Matches: cache:12, cache:ab

// Regular expressions (enclosed in forward slashes)
store.delete('/^user_\d+$/');   // Matches: user_1, user_123
store.delete('/test_.+/');      // Matches: test_abc, test_123

// List keys matching patterns
const userKeys = store.listKeys('user:*');
const logKeys = store.listKeys('/log_\d+/');

Performance Tips

  1. Use msgpackr for better serialization (2-4x faster)
  2. Set appropriate minBufferSize when you know data will grow
  3. Batch operations when possible instead of individual calls
  4. Use pattern operations sparingly on large stores


Performance test for get:

const store = createStore();
store.set('test', { value: 'Benchmark' });

for (let i = 0; i < 10000000; i++) {