
CLI tool for generating GPT prompts for coding projects

GPT Prompt Tool (GPTT) 🚀

Welcome to gptt, a CLI tool that helps you generate GPT-based prompts directly from your source code files. Whether you need help with code reviews, documentation, or other coding tasks, gptt has you covered.

Why GPTT? 🤔

  • CLI Integration: Install globally via npm for easy use.
  • Custom Output: Use the --out option to save prompts to a file.
  • Flexible Inputs: Specify multiple source files with the --in option, including support for glob patterns like src/**/*.ts.
  • Smart Optional Files: Include additional files only if referenced in the prompt using the --optional option.
  • JSON Configuration: Automatically read and merge defaults from a .gpt.json file.
  • Respect .gitignore: Automatically exclude files listed in .gitignore from glob patterns.

How to Use 🛠️

  1. Install the Tool:

    npm install -g gptt
  2. Generate Prompts:

    • Basic Usage:
      gptt "Add an open/close menu button in dashboard.ts, and a test in dashboard.test.ts"
      gptt --in src/file1.ts,src/file2.ts --out prompt.txt "Document these files"
    • With Optional Files:
      gptt --in src/**/*.ts --optional lib/optionalFile.ts "Analyze the code in src and consider lib/optionalFile.ts if necessary"
    • Excluding Specific Files:
      gptt --in src/**/*.ts --exclude src/fileToExclude.ts "Review the codebase"
    • Using .gpt.json:
      // .gpt.json
        "in": ["src/main.ts"],
        "optional": ["src/helpers.ts"],
        "exclude": ["src/fileToExclude.ts"],
        "out": "prompt.txt"

Features 🌟

  • Boost Productivity: Automate prompt generation to save time.
  • Developer Friendly: Easy integration and customization.
  • Versatile Configurations: Combine CLI options and JSON configurations.

Contribution 💬

Contributions are welcome! Feel free to open issues, submit PRs, and help improve the tool.

License 📄

Licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.

GPTT: Bringing AI to your coding tasks! 🚀✨


chatgpt, cli, command-line, prompt-generation, code-prompt, developer-tools, code-assistant, gpt, openai, automation, programming, code-analysis, ai-tools, script, json-config.

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