
Award | Event Handler

Award | Event Handler


npm install award-api


const Award = require("award-api");

const awardClient = new Award({
	guild: "SERVER_ID",
	intents: [
	] // Join our Discord server to intents list and event names

awardClient.on("ready", () => {
	console.log("Connected to Award");

awardClient.on("boost", ({ user }) => {
	// You can give a role to the user.
	console.log(`${user.username} boosted our server!`);

awardClient.on("unboost", ({ user }) => {
	console.log(`${user.username} remove the boost from server. :(`);

awardClient.on("giveawayJoin", ({ user, giveaway }) => {
	console.log(`${user.username} joined the ${giveaway.title} giveaway.`);

awardClient.on("giveawayFinish", ({ giveaway, winners }) => {
	console.log(`${giveaway.title} has been ended. Winners: ${ =>",")}`);

awardClient.on("giveawayReroll", ({ giveaway, winners }) => {
	console.log(`${giveaway.title} has been rerolled. New Winners: ${ =>",")}`);

awardClient.on("giveawayDelete", ({ giveaway })  => {
	console.log(`${giveaway.title} has been deleted.`);