Using AI Agents in GitHub Actions to Automate Your GitHub Flow

How to effectively leverage the power of large language models (LLMs) in our daily works as software engineers has become an increasingly important question. Traditional chatbots like ChatGPT can miss crucial contextual cues, while agent systems like ChatDev and AutoGen require lots of manual effort and a deep understanding of prompt engineering. Moreover, fully autonomous systems, such as Devin AI, have yet to show their effectiveness in real-world applications.

The Problem

An answer I got on Reddit recently sums it up perfectly:

A lot of devs don’t really believe that the output of these models is worth the time fighting it to do something useful.

While everyone agrees that LLMs have can be a powerful tool, using them effectively in their daily work has yet to become a reality for a lot of developers:

  • Trust is a big issue. LLM-based tools often produce results that are incorrect or of low quality

  • A lack of control over the behavior of these tools makes them unpredictable

  • Knowledge in prompt engineering and LLM best practices is often required to achieve good results, providing a barrier of entry for most developers today

What Developers Seek in AI-Assisted Solutions

As a developer, I seek an AI-assisted solution that embodies the following qualities:

  • Easy: I shouldn’t have to be an AI expert to use it

  • Flexible: Easily integrates with existing workflows and tools

  • Predictable: I need to feel confident that it produces the output I expect based on the input I provide

  • Intuitive: Let’s replace complex scripts and configuration files with intuitive, conversational interfaces.

  • Customizable: Adaptable to project-specific needs and workflow nuances.

AI Agents to the Rescue

In very simple terms, an AI agent is an LLM with special instructions and the ability to use tools like opening files, searching the internet or calling APIs. What if there was an easy way for you to outsource small parts of the work you do every day to an agent, with full control over its behavior and the quality and format of its output?

Introducing Smart Workflows

To address this need, I introduce Smart Workflows — a groundbreaking suite of open-source, agent-driven GitHub Action workflows designed to supercharge your development process:

Example: Enforcing Contribution Guidelines

As Klint Finley points out in his ReadME article on how open source maintainers keep themselves and their contributors happy:

although you might be tired of answering the same questions over and over, new users and contributors won't know that

It’s very common for open source projects to have contribution guidelines. However, making sure that contributors actually follow them is a significant challenge for maintainers. It can be a tedious and manual task that involves:

  • Noticing, reading and understanding new PRs / issues

  • Making sure they contain the necessary information and are formatted correctly

  • Enforcing the guidelines with a friendly, welcoming tone to encourage further engagement and community growth

This requires careful language, time and effort which most of us would rather spend writing code. Smart Workflows provide a simple and powerful approach to automate this. Let’s look at the following example: 📐 Enforce Contribution Guidelines

Key Features of Smart Workflows

  • Plug-and-Play: These workflows are ready to use right out of the box. Simply copy a YAML file, and you're set to go.

  • Modular: Smart Workflows can be seamlessly combined with other GitHub actions to create robust and powerful development pipelines.

  • Fully Customizable: Tailor your workflows using natural language instructions without diving deep into code.

  • LLM Best Practices: With best practices already integrated, you can focus on what truly matters - writing code.

Getting Started

Begin with the Smart Project Template to instantly set up a ready-to-go project. Choose from our ever-expanding collection of curated Smart Workflows to find the tools that best suit your project's needs or go one level deeper and write your own workflows using our Smart Actions and Python SDK.

Smart Workflows are not just about enhancing productivity; they're about transforming the software developer’s experience, making LLMs more accessible, less tedious, and more fun. Start integrating Smart Workflows today and experience a significant boost in your development efficiency and creativity.

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"id": 40249469,
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"time": 1714753631,
"title": "Using AI Agents in GitHub Actions to Automate Your GitHub Flow",
"type": "story",
"url": ""
"author": "Marco Lamina",
"date": "2024-05-03T16:25:20.000Z",
"description": "This post explores the concept of “Agentic Workflows” - A novel approach for software developers to automate manual and tedious parts of their daily work with confidence.",
"image": "",
"logo": null,
"publisher": "PR Pilot",
"title": "Using AI Agents in Github Actions to Automate your Github Flow — PR Pilot",
"url": ""
"url": "",
"title": "Using AI Agents in Github Actions to Automate your Github Flow — PR Pilot",
"description": "How to effectively leverage the power of large language models (LLMs) in our daily works as software engineers has become an increasingly important question. Traditional chatbots like ChatGPT can miss crucial...",
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"content": "<div>\n <p><strong>How to effectively leverage the power of large language models (LLMs)</strong> in our daily works as software engineers has become an increasingly important question. Traditional chatbots like <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">ChatGPT</a> can miss crucial contextual cues, while agent systems like <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">ChatDev</a> and <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">AutoGen</a> require lots of manual effort and a deep understanding of prompt engineering. Moreover, fully autonomous systems, such as <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Devin AI</a>, have yet to show their effectiveness in real-world applications.</p><h2>The Problem</h2><p>An answer I got on <a href=\";utm_medium=web3x&amp;utm_name=web3xcss&amp;utm_term=1&amp;utm_content=share_button\" target=\"_blank\">Reddit</a> recently sums it up perfectly:</p><blockquote><p>A lot of devs don’t really believe that the output of these models is worth the time fighting it to do something useful.</p></blockquote><p>While everyone agrees that LLMs have can be a powerful tool, using them effectively in their daily work has yet to become a reality for a lot of developers:</p><ul><li><p><strong>Trust</strong> is a big issue. LLM-based tools often produce results that are incorrect or of low quality</p></li><li><p>A <strong>lack of control</strong> over the behavior of these tools makes them unpredictable</p></li><li><p>Knowledge in prompt engineering and LLM best practices is often required to achieve good results, providing a <strong>barrier of entry</strong> for most developers today</p></li></ul><h2>What Developers Seek in AI-Assisted Solutions</h2><p>As a developer, I seek an AI-assisted solution that embodies the following qualities:</p><ul><li><p><strong>Easy:</strong> I shouldn’t have to be an AI expert to use it</p></li><li><p><strong>Flexible:</strong> Easily integrates with existing workflows and tools</p></li><li><p><strong>Predictable:</strong> I need to feel confident that it produces the output I expect based on the input I provide</p></li><li><p><strong>Intuitive:</strong> Let’s replace complex scripts and configuration files with intuitive, conversational interfaces.</p></li><li><p><strong>Customizable:</strong> Adaptable to project-specific needs and workflow nuances.</p></li></ul><h2>AI Agents to the Rescue</h2><p>In very simple terms, an <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">AI agent</a> is an LLM with <strong>special instructions</strong> and the <strong>ability to use tools</strong> like opening files, searching the internet or calling APIs. What if there was an easy way for you to outsource small parts of the work you do every day to an agent, with full control over its behavior and the quality and format of its output?</p><h2>Introducing Smart Workflows</h2><p>To address this need, I introduce <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><strong>Smart Workflows</strong></a> — a groundbreaking suite of <strong>open-source, agent-driven GitHub Action workflows</strong> designed to supercharge your development process:</p>\n</div><div>\n <h3>Example: Enforcing Contribution Guidelines</h3><p>As Klint Finley points out in his <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">ReadME article</a> on how open source maintainers keep themselves and their contributors happy:</p><blockquote><p>although you might be tired of answering the same questions over and over, new users and contributors won't know that</p></blockquote><p>It’s very common for open source projects to have contribution guidelines. However, making sure that contributors actually follow them is a significant challenge for maintainers. It can be a <strong>tedious and manual task</strong> that involves:</p><ul><li><p>Noticing, reading and understanding new PRs / issues</p></li><li><p>Making sure they contain the necessary information and are formatted correctly</p></li><li><p>Enforcing the guidelines with a friendly, welcoming tone to encourage further engagement and community growth</p></li></ul><p>This requires careful language, time and effort which most of us would rather spend writing code. Smart Workflows provide a simple and powerful approach to automate this. Let’s look at the following example: <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\"><span><strong>📐 Enforce Contribution Guidelines</strong></span></a></p>\n</div><div>\n <h3><strong>Key Features</strong> of Smart Workflows</h3><ul><li><p><strong>Plug-and-Play:</strong> These workflows are ready to use right out of the box. Simply copy a YAML file, and you're set to go.</p></li><li><p><strong>Modular:</strong> Smart Workflows can be seamlessly combined with other GitHub actions to create robust and powerful development pipelines.</p></li><li><p><strong>Fully Customizable:</strong> Tailor your workflows using natural language instructions without diving deep into code.</p></li><li><p><strong>LLM Best Practices:</strong> With best practices already integrated, you can focus on what truly matters - writing code.</p></li></ul><h2>Getting Started</h2><p>Begin with the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><strong>Smart Project Template</strong></a> to instantly set up a ready-to-go project. Choose from our ever-expanding collection of curated <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><strong>Smart Workflows</strong></a> to find the tools that best suit your project's needs or go one level deeper and write your own workflows using our <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><strong>Smart Actions</strong></a> and <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><strong>Python SDK</strong></a>.</p><p>Smart Workflows are not just about enhancing productivity; they're about transforming the software developer’s experience, making LLMs more accessible, less tedious, and more fun. Start integrating Smart Workflows today and experience a significant boost in your development efficiency and creativity.</p>\n</div>",
"author": "Marco Lamina",
"favicon": "",
"source": "",
"published": "2024-05-03T09:25:20-0700",
"ttr": 130,
"type": "article"