The Saint-Marcel Cave (France) During the Early Holocene


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  • Arias, P., & Ontañon, R. (2020). La Garma: un sitio exceptional, una metodologia diferente. Actualidad de la Investigacion Arqueologica en Espana (2018-2019): Conferencias Impartidas en el Museo Arqueológico Nacional, 1, 45–64.

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"title": "The Saint-Marcel Cave (France) During the Early Holocene",
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"author": "Jean-Jacques Delannoy",
"date": "2024-04-10T00:00:00.000Z",
"description": "The cave of Saint-Marcel is known for its extensive network (64 km of galleries) and its history of human occupation (Middle Palaeolithic and Neolithic) in the entrance area. Close observation of the main network reveals areas with high concentrations of broken speleothems, which are usually attributed to the first tourist visits of the nineteenth century. However, archaeo-geomorphological mapping of the broken speleothems, many of which are lying on the floor and sealed by stalagmite regrowth or crust, indicates intentional organisation of the underground space into speleothem supply zones and zones in which the speleothems were used to build structures. Age estimates of the stalagmite seals on these human-made structures suggest that the structures were a result of human activity that occurred between the end of the Upper Palaeolithic and the European Mesolithic. These age estimates radically change the way we look at the broken speleothems in the cave of Saint-Marcel and the structures associated with them. They bring to light the engagement of past human communities with the deep underground environment, at more than 1.5 km from the cave entrance, which can only be accessed by crossing obstacles (pits) that, today, are considered as difficult to be crossed. Our findings and ongoing research stress the unequivocal archaeological significance of the cave.",
"image": "",
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"publisher": "Springer",
"title": "Investigating Human Activities in Caves Through the Study of Broken Stalagmite Structures: The Case of the Saint-Marcel Cave (France) During the Early Holocene - Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory",
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"url": "",
"title": "Investigating Human Activities in Caves Through the Study of Broken Stalagmite Structures: The Case of the Saint-Marcel Cave (France) During the Early Holocene - Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory",
"description": "The cave of Saint-Marcel is known for its extensive network (64 km of galleries) and its history of human occupation (Middle Palaeolithic and Neolithic) in the entrance area. Close observation of the main network reveals areas with high concentrations of broken speleothems, which are usually attributed to the first tourist visits of the nineteenth century. However, archaeo-geomorphological mapping of the broken speleothems, many of which are lying on the floor and sealed by stalagmite regrowth or crust, indicates intentional organisation of the underground space into speleothem supply zones and zones in which the speleothems were used to build structures. Age estimates of the stalagmite seals on these human-made structures suggest that the structures were a result of human activity that occurred between the end of the Upper Palaeolithic and the European Mesolithic. These age estimates radically change the way we look at the broken speleothems in the cave of Saint-Marcel and the structures associated with them. They bring to light the engagement of past human communities with the deep underground environment, at more than 1.5 km from the cave entrance, which can only be accessed by crossing obstacles (pits) that, today, are considered as difficult to be crossed. Our findings and ongoing research stress the unequivocal archaeological significance of the cave.",
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"content": "<div><h2 id=\"Bib1\">References</h2><div><ul><li><p>Ambert, P., Simone, S., Colomer, A., &amp; Galant, P. (2004). Cesseras – Grotte d'Aldène » Note of archaeological project, ADLFI. <i>Archéologie de la France - Occitanie</i>, mis en ligne le 01 mars 2004 : <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\"></a>; <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\"></a></p></li><li><p>Arias, P., &amp; Ontañon, R. (2020). La Garma: un sitio exceptional, una metodologia diferente. <i>Actualidad de la Investigacion Arqueologica en Espana (2018-2019): Conferencias Impartidas en el Museo Arqueológico Nacional,</i> <i>1</i>, 45–64.</p><p><a target=\"_blank\" href=\";title=La%20Garma%3A%20un%20sitio%20exceptional%2C%20una%20metodologia%20diferente&amp;journal=Actualidad%20de%20la%20Investigacion%20Arqueologica%20en%20Espana%20%282018-2019%29%3A%20Conferencias%20Impartidas%20en%20el%20Museo%20Arqueol%C3%B3gico%20Nacional&amp;volume=1&amp;pages=45-64&amp;publication_year=2020&amp;author=Arias%2CP&amp;author=Onta%C3%B1on%2CR\">\n Google Scholar</a> \n </p></li><li><p>Bannay, J. (2019). <i>Les spéléothèmes cassés et fragmentés de la grotte de Saint-Marcel-d’Ardèche: Hypothèses et clès de lecture</i> (p. 63). Université Savoie Mont Blanc.</p><p><a target=\"_blank\" href=\";title=Les%20sp%C3%A9l%C3%A9oth%C3%A8mes%20cass%C3%A9s%20et%20fragment%C3%A9s%20de%20la%20grotte%20de%20Saint-Marcel-d%E2%80%99Ard%C3%A8che%3A%20Hypoth%C3%A8ses%20et%20cl%C3%A8s%20de%20lecture&amp;publication_year=2019&amp;author=Bannay%2CJ\">\n Google Scholar</a> \n </p></li><li><p>Bégouën, R., Fritz, C., Tosello, G., Clottes, J., Faist, F., Pastoors, A., Lacombe, S., &amp; Fosse, P. (2007). Les Magdaléniens modelaient aussi l’argile. <i>Les Dossiers d’archéologie,</i> <i>324</i>, 30–37.</p><p><a target=\"_blank\" href=\";title=Les%20Magdal%C3%A9niens%20modelaient%20aussi%20l%E2%80%99argile&amp;journal=Les%20Dossiers%20d%E2%80%99arch%C3%A9ologie&amp;volume=324&amp;pages=30-37&amp;publication_year=2007&amp;author=B%C3%A9gou%C3%ABn%2CR&amp;author=Fritz%2CC&amp;author=Tosello%2CG&amp;author=Clottes%2CJ&amp;author=Faist%2CF&amp;author=Pastoors%2CA&amp;author=Lacombe%2CS&amp;author=Fosse%2CP\">\n Google Scholar</a> \n </p></li><li><p>Bégouën, R., Fritz, C., Tosello, G., Clottes, J., Pastoors, A., &amp; Faist, F. (2009). <i>Le sanctuaire secret des bisons : Il y a 14 000 ans, l’art et la vie des Magdaléniens dans la caverne du Tuc d’Audoubert</i> (p. 416). Somology.</p><p><a target=\"_blank\" href=\";title=Le%20sanctuaire%20secret%20des%20bisons%20%3A%20Il%20y%20a%2014%20000%20ans%2C%20l%E2%80%99art%20et%20la%20vie%20des%20Magdal%C3%A9niens%20dans%20la%20caverne%20du%20Tuc%20d%E2%80%99Audoubert&amp;publication_year=2009&amp;author=B%C3%A9gou%C3%ABn%2CR&amp;author=Fritz%2CC&amp;author=Tosello%2CG&amp;author=Clottes%2CJ&amp;author=Pastoors%2CA&amp;author=Faist%2CF\">\n Google Scholar</a> \n </p></li><li><p>Burnet, H. (2022). <i>Étude anthropo-géomorphologique du secteur des Colonnes – Grotte de Saint-Marcel-d’Ardèche</i> (p. 82). Université Savoie Mont Blanc.</p><p><a target=\"_blank\" href=\";title=%C3%89tude%20anthropo-g%C3%A9omorphologique%20du%20secteur%20des%20Colonnes%20%E2%80%93%20Grotte%20de%20Saint-Marcel-d%E2%80%99Ard%C3%A8che&amp;publication_year=2022&amp;author=Burnet%2CH\">\n Google Scholar</a> \n </p></li><li><p>Cheng, H., Lawrence, E. R., Shen, C.-C., Polyak, V. J., Asmerom, Y., Woodhead, J. 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Rouffignac cave (Dordogne, France): A source of raw material exploited in the Mesolithic. <i>PALEO,</i> <i>27</i>, 122–148. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\"></a></p><p><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">Article</a> \n <a target=\"_blank\" href=\";title=Rouffignac%20cave%20%28Dordogne%2C%20France%29%3A%20A%20source%20of%20raw%20material%20exploited%20in%20the%20Mesolithic&amp;journal=PALEO&amp;doi=10.4000%2Fpaleo.3202&amp;volume=27&amp;pages=122-148&amp;publication_year=2016&amp;author=Dachary%2CM&amp;author=Plassard%2CF&amp;author=Valladas%2CH\">\n Google Scholar</a> \n </p></li><li><p>David, B., Delannoy, J.-J., Urwin, C., Fresløv, J., &amp; Mullett, R. (2021). Engaging and designing place: Furnishings and the architecture of archaeological sites in aboriginal Australia. In I.J. McNiven &amp; B. David (Eds.), <i>The Oxford handbook of the archaeology of indigenous Australia and New Guinea</i>. Oxford University Press (2024; online edn, Oxford Academic, 10 Feb. 2021), 473–494. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\"></a></p></li><li><p>David, B., Delannoy, J.-J., &amp; Birkett-Rees, J. (2024). Mobile landscapes and their enduring places. <i>Elements in Current Archaeological Tools and Techniques. </i>Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\"></a></p><p><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">Chapter</a> \n <a target=\"_blank\" href=\";title=Mobile%20landscapes%20and%20their%20enduring%20places&amp;doi=10.1017%2F9781009181594&amp;publication_year=2024&amp;author=David%2CB&amp;author=Delannoy%2CJ-J&amp;author=Birkett-Rees%2CJ\">\n Google Scholar</a> \n </p></li><li><p>de Valgorge, O. (1946). <i>Souvenirs de l’Ardèche. Tome second</i> (p. 31). Paris: Paulin Editions.</p><p><a target=\"_blank\" href=\";title=Souvenirs%20de%20l%E2%80%99Ard%C3%A8che.%20Tome%20second&amp;publication_year=1946&amp;author=de%20Valgorge%2CO\">\n Google Scholar</a> \n </p></li><li><p>Delannoy, J.-J., Geneste, J.-M., Jaillet, S., Boche, E., &amp; Sadier, B. (2012). Les aménagements et structures anthropiques de la grotte Chauvet-Pont-d’Arc: apport d’une approche intégrative géomorpho-archéologique. <i>Collection EDYTEM, Cahiers de Géographie,</i> <i>13</i>, 43–62. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\"></a>. 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